Sunday, December 14, 2008

Last Post from Vietnam

We're ready to go. This afternoon and evening was a blur of visa appointments, airline office visits, and last minute shopping for gifts. Troy was a trooper, being dragged all about well past his bedtime. In some strange way, I think all the dragging him around from place to place while smashing him against me in the carrier is actually good from an attachment standpoint.

Troy is sleeping and I'm drinking the last of a bottle of red wine from Hanoi. It's peculiar but serviceable. I still have to shower and pack the bags. Tomorrow morning, we'll be up early for breakfast and hopefully there will be enough time to eat breakfast and buy some formula and coffee before the driver comes, at 9:00 to take us to the airport. Hanoi-Taipei-Los Angeles is my routing and the schedule is to be home Tuesday at a bit before 2 p.m. local time.

To close things out, here we are, with Troy's visa:



  1. Congrats. Hope you have a safe and easy trip home!

  2. Congratulations, Mark! Read thru all your posts today (Dec 16), while waiting to review our new w3 pages. :-) Sorry to remind you of work there!

    I still think you have been pretty lucky on Troy's sleep pattern...he seems like an angel. You should have seen me and my wife's travails when my twins were under 2 years. Alternating every hour, nappy changes, sometimes rashes so even more irrity...ooh, surely can't sing Bryan Adams' line "Those were the best days of my life!" Joking...but it was real fun while it lasted and the confusion of people at their alikeness. Have a great trip back! :-)

  3. Wow your trip was fast! Didn't help that I got dreadfully sick with a high fever and missed your blog (and life in general) for several days. :( I guess you're about home now. I bet Evan will be so happy to see you again! Can't wait to hear how that goes!
