Sunday, December 14, 2008

This and That

Troy's sleeping so I had a few minutes to post. Last night was good... Troy slept well and only cried out a few times - I was able to get him back to sleep quickly both times. Here's Troy at breakfast in his "Phil and Teds" portable high chair (about 2 pounds and a lifesaver for me as a solo traveler):


I got a Skype call from Evan, who was a little ragged today and seemed to be missing me. It'll be good to be home soon.

Finally, I got my phone connected to the computer so could finally get the Bourdain picture downloaded. I was leaning forward to try to get Troy into the frame (he was on my back) but only succeeded in looking dorky. It's something I do well, I guess.



  1. Should we look for you on a future No Reservations episode?

  2. That's fun that you got to meet Bourdain......and it looks like you're so excited you're striking a pose with him. Love it! ;)
