Friday, December 12, 2008

Saturday, Evening

We spent the afternoon eating at Cha Ca La Vong, visiting the "Hanoi Hilton" prison, and walking around the lake (with an obligatory stop for ice cream/coffee at a cafe...Troy slept). Here we are by the lake, at dusk:


Dinner was Pho, at a very historic and local place in the old town. I filled up for about $1.25 and it was probably the best Pho yet... The place was wall to wall people with tiny tables and stools. The locals were nice enough to let me squeeze in.

I let the taxi driver have it for his fast meter - 2 1/2 times what it should have been. I gave him the choice of coming to the hotel where we could discuss his fare and I would write down his car info etc. or accept the actual fare. He thought it wise to take the second option. I can't stand being "profiled" as an easy target.

Back at the hotel, Troy and I played on the bed and he crawled all over me, under my legs etc. He's definitely becoming more interactive and comfortable with the turn his life has taken. He had his best bath yet - very nearly enjoying all of it - even though is basin was in the big tub this time. Here he is afterwards, in the bath robe I could not resist bringing with me. Troy loves the penguin which is from his great aunt, and he happily hits it to make it squeak, bites its beak, and throws it off the bed.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Mark,

    wir verfolgen Deine adoption-tour mit Interesse und freuen uns mit Dir, dass Troy so ein netter kleiner Kerl ist.
    Dass Du bei all der Arbeit als nurse noch Zeit findest, uns alle an Deinem Tagesablauf teilnehmen zu lassen, ist schon bewundernswert.

    Weiterhin viel Glück

    dieter und wilma
